A stupid Stand-up comedy show from Dickie Richards, the Polish-Cockney comedian. Packed with daft, silly jokes and barmy 'true' stories of sex, war, renovations, ancestry, love, animal cruelty and pubic hair.
*Remember, it's a stupid show!
Actual audience quotes!:
"Dickie reminded me of Tim Vine, very funny"
"Brilliant very very funny!"
"Bizarre, hilarious!!"
"So pleased I got to see the tighty whities!" "FUNNY!'
"Like nothing else I've ever seen, hard to describe. Didn't stop laughing"
"Great slapstick humour!"
"I've never seen a sexier T-Rex! A great show - Dickie made me laugh more than I felt I should be! :-)"
"Loved it"
"Laugh out loud comedy! Great show!"
Please note the venue is downstairs and unfortunately does not have wheelchair access.