The OutSavvy platform continues to evolve with the launch of the OutSavvy developer API. Developers can connect to the API to get public event information about all events on OutSavvy plus private data for event organisers. There are a number of endpoints to discover in the API that exposes the public and private data.
This bit gets a bit techy but bear with us. The OutSavvy API is REST-based returning data in JSON. Secured using an OAuth2 authentication method, you can access the API using a token generated against your partner account.
All you need is an HTTP access library and a JSON parser to pull the API feeds.
To get started simply follow our quick start guide here and if you don’t have one already, sign up for a partner account here.
What does this mean for event organisers? As well as connecting to the API yourself to get a feed of your event data (you may want to use it on your own websites for example), other third parties will also be connecting to the API to power event sections on their website. You will start to see OutSavvy events appearing in even more places over the coming months.
Any questions give the team the shout and we would be happy to help you connect to the API.