Hosted by one of the legendary Rebel Dykes, King Frankie Sinatra, with a stunning line up of Drag King talent including Mr IPM (International Pussy Magnet) winner of Man Up 2023, Billy Rickie, Dishi Sumac, Mr Darshe, Daddy Dopamine and Jamie Fuxx.
Music by the infamous Stav B
Doors at 7pm, show from 8pm.
Advance tickets are £10 each, or limited concession £8 for those on benefits or students, or very limited £7 early bird tickets (all plus booking fees)
Tickets available on the door from opening time
PLEASE READ: This is a mixed standing/seated event, seating is first come, first served, we cannot issue any refunds in the 48 hours before the event
If you have any access requirements or questions regarding access requirements please email
This is the last Kings of Clubs before our Summer holidays, we are back on September 13th for our 6th birthday event!
Don't forget you can watch the film Rebel Dykes streaming on All4