Join us for a night of celebration of the poetry and spirit of Sarah Jane Baker.
Hosted by Ms Sharon Le Grand
DJ sets from: Milk Shandy, Ophillion, Sophie Brain, 2 Girls 1 Tuck
Performance from: Azara, The Doll Named Dan, Titi, Lo Lo
Readings of Sarah Jane's poetry from: mk margetson and Josiah Moktar
Come and give generously, as you would if it was happening to you.
She has served the longest time in prison in UK history for any trans person, and Sarah Jane was recently put back in the spotlight due to her speech at London Trans Pride. Initially the police concluded there should be no further action, but due to an anti-progressive sentiment in society, a hate campaign in the right wing press, and the intervention of the Home Secretary, Sarah was put back in jail.
Though she has recently been found not guilty, she remains in jail until April 2024, having broken the conditions of her bail due to being arrested.
This fundraiser is raising financial support and awareness for Sarah Jane's treatment, for more information follow the campaign FREESARAHJANEBAKER.COM or follow @freesarahjanebaker on social media.
None of us are free until all of us are free.
This event is not part of Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest, and was organised by Sophie Brain with Dalston Superstore and the Free Sarah Jane Baker campaign. This OutSavvy account is managed by Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest, as a partner organisation.