Save the date!
The weather's warming up and so are we

We're looking forward to welcoming you all to our awesome venue, with a later finish this time too. Expect great tunes, a friendly crowd in a lovely safe space where there's room to either dance or chat with folks, and an all LGBTQ+ lineup.
This time, alongside our lovely residents Arondeus and Loss Function (who’ve played fun queer parties everywhere from Svalbard to Berlin) we welcome the fab Jase Jeffery from one of our fave parties - the awesome Bent, from over in Manchester. We’ve been to a few and they’re some of our favourite events, and we can’t wait for him to share some awesome tunes with you all at the next Lost&Found.
Jase is the founder and resident of Bent Hedonism: a queer-centred day party in Manchester raising money for LGBTQIA+ causes. The ethos for BENT is simple - to platform queer minorities and champion community.
10+ years behind decks have taken him from his hometown of Perth to the North’s vibrant dance music scene. He's had prominent gigs at Soup, Eastern Bloc, the DBA, Stage & Radio, Partisan Collective, YES, Joshua Brooks and Factory International, plus recent features on Narr, Reform, Rec.Room, Steam & Komrad.
His music taste, forged on dancefloors across the UK, Europe and his home country Australia, draws influence from the seminal eras of rave. Expect to hear sounds ranging from acid house, breaks and EBM through to UK bass, broken beat and electro.
L+F Guidelines:
* Be excellent to each other:
We’re very happy that you’ve chosen to rave with us: look after yourself and each other. If you or someone needs help see a party organiser, text us (number available on the night) or find a member of the venue staff. “Ask for Angela” if you need immediate assistance or someone is making you feel uncomfortable.
* Everyone is welcome:
L+F is a queer-run night primarily for LGBTQ+ folks. All are welcome, everyone should be able to party with us and feel comfortable, regardless of gender identification, sexuality, age, background, style or any other trait. If you feel like you are being made to feel unwelcome, or you witness behaviour that is discriminatory, please let a member of the venue staff or the party promoters know.
* No photos / video on the dancefloor please:
Have a dance and talk to people and stuff. There’s people here that might not want to be in your snaps, and videos always turn out rubbish anyway. Some of the best parties we’ve been to have this guideline and it really works. Trust us and try it out
* Don’t be a pain:
Our venue is great and the staff are brilliant. If you do illegal things you are risking their livelihood, licence and jobs – so if we see you taking drugs or being an arse to other people we will ask you to leave.