6.00 - 6.30 PM - people arrive
6.30 - 7.15 PM - screening - of Bad Jew short film and Ghayath Almadhoun (Poet) interview
7.15 - 8.00 PM - Q&A
8.00 - 8.40 PM - Social & Dance
Panel speakers

Sukant Chandan - Born in a family of leading anti-colonial resistors in Kenya and India, Sukant Chandan has been committed at the anti-colonial grassroots since 1994, when at the age of 16 he organised an anti-racist police patrol watch at Eid celebrations on Southall Broadway. He is also a committed Junglist, on Pirates and inna dance, on the Mic since 1996 as MC RebelBase. Co-founder of the pioneering and organisations: Culture Move and Che-Leila Youth Brigades (2001), and Sons of Malcolm platform (2007-2014) and a co-founder of the Malcolm X Movement since 2014/2015.

Mica Coca grew up in Manchester and music and justice has always run through her veins. Mica has gone on to become a powerhouse artist, activist and DJ - celebrated throughout the UK. Mica was a founding member of resident DJ o‘ResisDance’ – A woman & non binary DJ collective challenging gender norms in the music scene to create safe spaces on the dance floor.’ Taking hold of the tech and decks, Resis’dance are a women and non-binary events collective challenging gender norms in the music scene and creating safe spaces on the dance-floor. In 2018 Mica Coca and GIN founded ‘Nite Dykez’ out of a desire to create spaces which emphasise a love and appreciation for electronic music. Nite Dykez have always prioritised black women and non-binary people on their line ups, but believe in the power of music to bring people together so welcome everyone into their space. Mica is also a long-time activist with Sisters Uncut - a feminist direct action group that is opposed to cuts to UK government services for domestic violence survivors. The group identify as revolutionary feminists and police and prison abolitionists, and is open to women (including trans and intersex women), non-binary, agender and gender variant people.

Dan Glass (he / they) isan AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) healthcare and human rights activist, performer, presenter and writer. Dan has been recognised as Attitude Magazine’s 'campaigning role models for LGBTQI youth', a Guardian ‘UK youth climate leader’, 2017 'Activist of the Year' with the 'Sexual Freedom Awards' and was announced a 'BBC Greater Londoner' in 2019 for founding 'Queer Tours of London - A Mince Through Time.’ His book United Queerdom: From the Legends of the Gay Liberation Front to the Queers of Tomorrow was the Observer book of the week and new book Queer Footprints - a Guide to Uncovering London’s Fierce History is out now. As an artist and facilitator with the In Place of War global network he uses creativity in places of conflict as a tool for positive change and is an international trainer with Training for Transformation and Beautiful Trouble. Contact Dan at www.theglassishalffull.co.uk, alright@theglassishalffull.co.uk and @danglassmincer