Join us for trans swimming sessions twice a month on sundays.
We have the sole use of the pool during our session, with 15 minutes after our session for changing.
Once you arrive through the main door of the building take a left all the way to the swim viewing area and one of us will be there waiting to check you in :)
Essential Companions:
Yes! If you require an Essential Companion in order to help you to attend our sessions they can book a spot.
Your Essential Companion does not need to be trans or non binary in order to attend with you.
We have a Code of Conduct that all attendees need to read and agree to before attending.
Code of Conduct:
Use the names and pronouns that people have asked you to use for them.
Don’t assume someone’s gender or pronouns, and avoid using gendered language to refer to people whose pronouns you don’t know - e,g. use “they” instead of “he” or “she”, “person” instead of “man” or “woman”.
Don’t ask personal questions eg about someone’s background, transition or medical history unless they’ve indicated they are happy to answer them.
During our swimming sessions, the changing rooms, showers and toilets on poolside are gender neutral and anyone can use whichever they feel comfortable with. Don’t question which changing room or toilet someone is using.
Maintain the confidentiality of people attending our events, eg don’t discuss who was at a session and don’t out anyone by telling other people you met them at Trans Swim.
If you’re taking photos or recording videos at our events, ensure you have permission from everyone who is visible/audible in the shot.
See FAQ’s below: