What does it mean to queer abortion? Through a panel discussion and small group Together, we will reflect on where we’ve come from, where we are now and how we can work towards more inclusive, community-led approaches to abortion care. We’ll explore questions such as: How can peer- and community-led approaches support people seeking abortion? What can abortion care learn from HIV, PrEP, and disability activism? This session is open to anyone with an interest in abortion and community engagement. It aims to create space for shared learning, open dialogue and practical steps for action.
This event is part of a collaborative series between London-based The Love Tank and The University of Edinburgh's Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society. To view the full series visit - https://www.queerhealth.info/projects/lovehubed
The Love Hub Edinburgh Edition is part of a wider series of events organised by the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society - https://usher.ed.ac.uk/biomedicine-self-society/news-events/events/between-biomedicine-self-society
The Love Hub Edinburgh Edition events are FREE. Please only book a space if you intend to come.
Access information: The Pleasance Cabaret Bar is wheelchair accessible with an accessible toilet.
Some parts of the seating space within the venue area are not wheelchair accessible/have some step access.
Hot and cold drinks and some refreshments (vegetarian and vegan) will be available.
We will have a separate room available if you need to take a break or have a quiet space. This is in another part of the building and is accessible by stairs and/or a lift.
Photographs will be taken at the event. If you would prefer not to have your photograph taken, please tell us and we will communicate this with the photographer.
COVID safety information: the venues we're using are ventilated, have HEPA air filters, and CO2 monitors (to measure air quality) - but that doesn't make them totally COVID, flu or common-cold safe. We'll have free masks available and request that masks are worn where possible. Got a cough, cold, or flu-like symptoms? Please take a break until your symptoms have subsided: many of us in our communities have to do everything we can not to get sick, including those of us with disabilities or compromised immune systems.Queering Abortion: Conversations Across Communities