The Common Press Book Club: The Love That Dares
The Common Press Book Club will be reading over March, The Love That Dares, an anthology of queer love letters.
Join us on the 3rd of April for our monthly online discussion, for significant conversations with fellow bibliophiles 🥵.
Drop by in-store to pick up the book.
"What this charming, moving and fascinating collection proves is that the [letter] form itself - a scribbled note, a declaration of love, an outpouring of passion, a bitter word - has always been with us."
This book club is hosted by one of our amazing booksellers, Blake!
Blake is an MA student studying on the History of the Book course over at the School of Advanced Study, with a specialty in rare books and modernist publishing histories. Her favourite authors are Samuel R Delany, Ann Quin and Claire Louise Bennett; if you want to make her really excited, ask her about her collection of copies of Ulysses. Blake also started London's own trans climbing group, T-Climbing, so when she's not reading she's mostly up a wall (or on the dancefloor).
Organiser of The Common Press Book Club: The Love That Dares
This ticket grants access to The Common Press Book Club: The Love That Dares on Thursday 3rd April 2025
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