International Trans Day of Visibility (TDoV) is a yearly celebration to bring attention to the trans and non-binary community in all our variety, and the beauty and joy of our lives as well as the struggles and barriers we face.
This TDoV, we at Scottish Trans want to help others develop a better understanding of what daily life is like for our community by sharing some of the key findings from our Scottish Trans and Non-binary Experiences Research Report in a free online seminar on Zoom at 1pm-1:50pm on April 2nd.
Published in July last year, the report details the experiences of nearly 600 trans people from across Scotland. The report includes sections on:
- Public Services
- GP practices
- Neighbourhoods and local areas
- Housing & homelessness
- Work
- Benefits
- The cost of living
The presentation should last about 30 minutes, followed by some time for Q&A. We will also cover some of the report's recommendations, which are practical ways that decision-makers (such as governments and public bodies) and services can help improve life in Scotland for trans and non-binary people.
This session is ideal for:
- Policy and decision-makers in government, local authorities, or public bodies
- Third sector workers and volunteers working on any of the areas covered by the report
- Service providers and staff who wish to make their services more accessible to our community
- Allies looking to better advocate for trans and non-binary people in their workplace/ local area
- LGBTQIA+ groups or organisations
- Trans and non-binary people looking for data to support their advocacy and campaigns work
- Anyone with an interest in understanding more about what trans and non-binary people's lives are like in Scotland and what needs to change!
We will record the presentation and share it online for those unable to make it on the day. We've also produced a shorter version of the report with key findings for each section, which you can read here.
If you have any questions about the event, or would like to discuss how our findings and recommendations apply to you, please get in touch via email at
Please feel free to share this event in your networks and with anyone you think may be interested.
A link to the webinar will be sent out closer to the time.