Heave away, haul away! Do you want to sing shanties with a friendly group of people?
Join us on alternating Mondays at 7pm-9pm St Saviour's Church, Brockley Rise to learn a range of sea shanties and folk music and sing like a pirate crew.
We will be in the Choir Vestry, which has step free access from the main part of the church.
£10 per session (£8 concession). This is to help with the costs of hiring the church and preparing the music.
If you want to support the Honor Oak Shanty Choir further, click “Sponsor” as a ticket option.
Transport links:
Honor Oak Park Station (step free access), 171, 122, 185, P4.
Do I need to be an experienced singer?
Nope! This is about bringing community together through singing.
I don't know any shanties yet, is that okay?
Totally okay! We will learn the music together.
Can I come along to one session?
Yes, this is run so that people can drop in with no commitment, but there's enough for those who are in it for the long haul.