Meet the Enablers - Demystifying Community Led Housing and Land Trusts
Access to stable, good quality, safe and comfortable housing is a necessity. Often those who are marginalised face systematic and structural barriers to accessing land and housing. Community-led housing and land trust initiatives are methods of collectivised resistance, placing land in the hands of a collective with shared interests as a means to build solutions to wider systemic issues.
While each community-led housing and land trust project can look radically different - unique in its aims and configuration - these workshops, informed by histories of Black community-led housing actions, will provide foundational tools vital to executing these projects.
Facilitated by Claude Hendrickson, this event is the third in a series serving as an introductory exploration into the power and methodology of collectivising housing and land acquisition.
Event Structure
This is a one-day event taking place in Leeds. We will meet in the morning, visit co-housing projects, and do a workshop, ending the event around 5pm. This session will be an opportunity to meet enablers and community led housing advisors in which you will have the opportunity to hear about their journeys and good practice.
Anticipated schedule (subject to change)
11am - Arrive in Leeds
- Site visit
- Lunch
- Meet the enablers
5pm - Departures
Food, drink and local travel will be provided throughout the day.
Access Information
Unfortunately, not all of the venues are accessible. The workshop venue has ground-floor access but the site we will be visiting has stairs.
Tickets are £10 which goes towards the cost of travel for those travelling outside of Leeds. We will cover the rest of the travel expenses and book travel on behalf of the participants. If the ticket cost is a barrier or you have any questions, please get in touch with
This event is for Black and People of Colour in the UK looking to skill up on alternatives to racial capitalism. If you do not identify in BPOC, but are interested in supporting this work, please be in touch with
Nourishing Economics are pleased to present a series of workshops and talks that present how economic justice links to other forms of social injustice. This series presents our work and partnerships with activists and grassroots groups who are working to fight structural inequality across prison abolition, queer liberation, disability justice and reparative justice.
These events fall into Nourishing Economic’s strategy to make decolonial economic thinking more available and accessible to the wider community, by upholding the work of those working on these integral social justice spaces.
Speaker Information
Claude Hendrickson is an accredited Community Led Housing advisor and Land Trust ambassador with over 2 decades of dedication to housing, social justice and impactful project delivery. He was recently awarded an MBE for his contributions in the Self Build and Community Housing sector and commissioned by Leeds City Council in 2015 to write a Self-Build 10-year strategy. Claude regularly runs workshops, sharing his expertise in identifying self-builders, securing funding, managing stakeholders and overseeing the house building process.