*For £5 Concession tickets please visit BrightonFringe.com
Frank Bertoletti
A camp one-man Cabaret using the songs of Jacques Brel to explore the simultaneous urge to be, be with and behead powerful men, or: a male gay in the male gaze.
Using the fabulous music of Jacques Brel, award-winning Chanteur and Raconteur Frank Bertoletti (Ronnie Scotts, Phoenix Arts, Zedels) brings you an hour of sordid little tales, camp glamour and wicked delights, all to the theme of: LOVE, POWER, PEDIGREES.
Whether you’re a lone wolf or in puppy love, this live piano-accompanied solo cabaret is guaranteed to leave you howling!
Frank (he/they) is a multi-talented Chanteur and Raconteur, born to confuse and arouse. He combines classic Cabaret sleaze with elements of bouffon, clown and punk to give you a taste of the extravagantly scandalous that will leave you wanting more…more…MORE !