Welcome to the Casa Del Culo, where the drinks are free, the drama is all-inclusive and a quiet exit is never on the cards!
Step into the sumptuous and sizzling embrace of Costa Colónica's Latin charms, where the heady aroma of defrosted tapas adorns every street, sun-loungers bear the stains of sordid love affairs and beauty blossoms with each sip of sangria.
Join Drag Idol UK winner Felix Le Freak as their notorious 'Sloppy Songbird' character takes the stage at the Casa del Culo for an explosive and unforgettable farewell performance. Why she's bidding adios and where she's headed next remain a mystery. Yet, for those who know the Sloppy Songbird, a quiet exit is never on the cards.
Men and Other Problems is a twisted mystery musical comedy about a despicable resort singer who will go to any lengths to become (in)famous. If you've not seen it before, you're in for a wild ride. If you have seen it, expect a whole new score of original musical numbers and a brand new twist!
Felix Le Freak is the winner of Drag Idol UK, the author of Serving Face: Lessons on poise and (dis)grace from the world of drag, the host of Felix & Friends, the head judge and co-producer of The Next Drag Superstar UK, and the creator of sellout shows including Fagwartz, It's Christmas, Carol! and Men & Other Problems.
“Nighty Night meets Benidorm. A dark twisted journey through the mind (and pants) of a brilliant terrifying protagonist. I laughed, I screamed, I cried. I’ve never wanted to buy a t-shirt more” - Jenna Al-Ansari, television writer
“Felix Le Freak is captivating and full of wit and by the end the whole audience are on her side no matter how outrageous she is. Entertaining, camp and just the right amount of chaos.” - Bicurious George, performer
"Men and other problems was an absolute riot. Unpredictable, clever and ridiculously funny. You'll leave wanting to go back and experience every possible ending of this truly unique show." - Luspinda, performer
Content Warning: Men and Other Problems is a dark comedy containing references to sensitive adult topics including sex, addiction and abuse. Audience discretion is advised.
The performer will address the audience throughout the show but nobody will be picked on for interaction if they're not comfortable. A lively audience is encouraged but please be aware this is a scripted play and persistent chatter or heckling will disrupt the performance.