I am here to guide a small group (up to 12 participants) through Julia Cameron’s classic creative recovery course: The Artist’s Way.
The best-selling book’s premise is that everyone is creative, and developing our creativity can benefit our lives and work (whether we identify as “artists” per se) in profound ways.
Our weekly Zoom meetings, Sundays at 6pm UK time (16 March to 8 June), will offer guidance and accountability through this process of restoring and fortifying our creative selves.
This course may be for you if...
- You have a creative project or practice that feels stifled, stalled or stale
- You would like a safe haven for your inner creative and/or your inner child
- You suspect that the words “work” and “play” are not opposites
- You want to bring more creativity into your daily life
- The demands of your activist practice need to be balanced with structured self-care and creative recovery
- You’ve tried The Artist’s Way on your own and think that a group structure could help you stay on track and complete the full course
Our weekly meetings will be two hours maximum, 6-8pm UK time. Your independent practice involves daily Morning Pages (this generally takes 20-40 minutes); a weekly Artist’s Date; time to complete a few of each chapter’s exercises (we’ll have some class time for exercises, too); our Sunday evening sessions to reflect on the previous week and prepare for the one to come.
What You Will Need...
A copy of The Artist’s Way from your local library or favourite bookstore A dedicated notebook (Cameron suggests A4 or 8.5 x 11, and that it should be pleasing to you.) A reliable internet connection as our meetings will take place on Zoom A willingness to look honestly at your resistance and your blocks as well as your potential and unique brilliance.
This course is not...
A skills class. The Artist’s Way will not teach you to paint, dance or compose a text. Its aim is to release the blocks that unhelpfully constrain your access to your innate creative capacities.
Therapy. Feelings will come up and are welcome; if they are shared, it is in a conversation among peers. I wear many hats, but healthcare provider is not one of them.
Shock treatment. This course will foster self-curiosity and growth through gentle patience and compassion. I will invite you to feel into your full, safe range of creative motion. You are not expected to expose yourself or share in ways to which you do not consent.