Remember Pearl? The Future History of Ms Pearl Alcock
Pearl AlcockPearl Alcock’s life and the community’s memories of her deserve serious and proper research and commemoration. We invite
- a)those with memories of Pearl to share those memories for posterity in a formal oral history interview
- b)all who have an interest in Pearl’s life story, her art, and her legacy to share ideas about a fitting memorial to be sited at or near 103 Railton Road
- c)any who are considering, or who have recently completed a project that included Pearl - a thesis, exhibition, documentary or curriculum materials to explore opportunities for collaboration.
The online workshop will be led by the team from Museumand who have been instrumental in drawing greater attention to Pearl Alcock’s legacy, through the development of innovative, audience-centred exhibitions and events.

The event takes place during the Lambeth Festival of Heritage