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Juno Books

About Juno Books

Juno Books is your friendly local feminist and queer community bookshop in Chapel Walk in Sheffield. We are driven by a passion for amplifying marginalised voices, showcasing new work and highlighting independent presses. But most of all we are here to help you find your new favourite book.

Our manifesto:

  • Juno Books will always carry a majority of books written by women and queer people 
  • We will centre marginalised voices and provide a space which raises up words and experiences not always heard by the mainstream
  • We are an actively intersectional, anti-racist, anti-classist, anti-ableist and LGBTQ+ and trans inclusive space and will continually work to make sure we are as safe and accessible space as possible to people from marginalised groups.
  • We will be welcoming and open to all and proactively reach out to communities and individuals who may not normally engage with queer/feminist literature.
  • We will offer queer and feminist literary expertise and friendly personalised customer advice
  • We will showcase books from smaller, more independent presses and new voices
  • We endeavour to make as low a carbon impact as we possibly can, using sustainable, ethical and environmentally sound business practices.
  • We will offer a range of books and events online to allow those who are not able to access our shop to join the Juno Books community.
  • We will create a community fund to allow us to provide books and events at low cost or free to those who cannot afford them and proactively work with local community groups and schools.
  • We commit to continual learning about how to be a truly inclusive, radical, community bookshop and will always be open to feedback about how we can improve.

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