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Lady Ole

About Lady Ole

Lady Olé is a community event and queer dance party based in London, celebrating all things pop, bizarro, kitsch, queer, and dance in the Spanish language. Making its strongest emphasis on bringing the Spanish LGBTQ+ community together, Lady Olé keeps facilitating the playground where connections happen and lifetime networks of support, friendships, and queer families have a starting point. We celebrate our cultural values, and showcase Spanish queer sensibilities to people from all backgrounds and nationalities. We take pride in being a welcoming, easy-going, and life-affirming party.

Lady Olé bridges Spanish and English queer club cultures and reaches out to a wide pan-European audience making it a destination party for many Eurovision fans. Our music is not exclusively Spanish and neither is our audience. We've participated in pride events around Europe (Barcelona, Rome, Alicante) and taken our parties to many cities and festivals (Manchester, Brighton, Berlin, Madrid). 

Lady Olé is Alejandro Asencio's brainchild that came after its predecessor, the award-winning Pelucas y Tacones, dissolved in 2015 after a decade of epic events.  

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