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Michelle Teasdale

About Michelle Teasdale

I’m a queer cis woman in her late 40s and my work encompasses many modalities all centred around helping people come home to themselves through the power of deep rest and inner awareness. I’m a trauma-informed Ayurvedic Health Counsellor and Wellness Coach, yoga teacher, space holder, sound therapist and Feeding Your Demons shadow work Facilitator. I’m a former Clinical Nurse Specialist in the NHS.

I support people in overcoming challenges on a body, mind and spiritual level, such as dealing with negative emotions, fears, illnesses, and self-defeating patterns. I can help you find greater self-acceptance and authenticity, more vitality and purpose. I work holistically through yoga, awareness / mindfulness, diet and lifestyle changes, herbal support, shadow work and rest practices.

I also host an online Buddhist Book Club and online Co-resting sessions.



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