Queer Psychic Social Banner

Queer Psychic Social

About Queer Psychic Social

A community event aiming to bring people together in a friendly, non-judgmental space, offering something new to the LGBTQ and non-binary community.

Our Psychic Socials are pop-up events throughout the year held in London-based queer spaces.  A different guest medium is invited to each event to give a demonstration of mediumship, providing evidence that life goes on and comfort from loved ones who have passed on. After the demonstration many people enjoy sticking around for a drink and chat. 

Come along to experience something different and make new friends within our community! 

About LezBe Mindful 

LezBe Mindful offers transformational healing experiences from one day workshops to luxury retreats. Website coming soon, in the meantime, follow us on socials! 

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