About the film - As the global far-right grows in size and influence, anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise and an ongoing concerted effort led by Israel’s government is working to frame Palestinian activist groups as the main culprit. Redfish explores how allegations of anti-Semitism levelled against critics of Israeli policies are being weaponised to suppress and censor the global movement in support of Palestinian rights.
Produced in 2022 the film is more relevant than ever. With the current impending genocide in Gaza and the unwavering support from the German, British and French Governement for this tragedy unfolding in front our eyes, our film focuses on intervening in the silencing of Palestinian solidarity to inspire critical conversation on what constitutes effective protesting.
After the screening - Our speakers will discuss how ordinary people can become part of an extraordinary community. We will explore lessons from previous anti-war revolutions that aim to intervene in the theatre of power dynamics, resulting in us being marched from A-B by the very institutions whose intention it is to crack down on our necessity to revolt.
If you would like to celebrate the beauty and potentialities of the human radical imagination and explore critical examples of tactical, strategic and ethical examples that disrupt the war-machine, then come along.
Our capacity is very limited and we ask that everyone who wishes to attend commits totally to life-long radical anti-imperialist struggle and more strategic ways of protest and direct action.
Critical questions will be explored including (1) What is possible to advocate? (2) What can we do with our experience? (3) What do effective protest movements look like? (4) How to catalyse youth leadership that creates concerted and sustained revolutionary movements and effective mass civil disobedience?
We owe it to the people in Gaza.
Tickets are free but we ask everyone to donate to this fundraiser Keep active for Palestine - ACLAÍ Gym solidarity and share it amongst their networks.
November 19th from 4pm to 6pm, in H48 Projekt Raum, a space on the 1st floor and accessible by lift (a key is needed and we will leave the phone number of an organiser on the door of the lift for you to call when you arrive).