Mae'r nosweithiau yn tywyll, mae'n rhewllyd oer - amser i llenwi lan efo Twrci a Tinsel!
Yma i fywiogi'r gaeaf, ac ychwanegu ychydig o ddisgleirdeb i'n bywydau glawog.
Noson yn llawn adloniant gorau Queer o bob rhan o Gymru yng nghartref creadigrwydd Mhontypridd, YMa.
Dan ofal Mrs Clause ein hunain - Catrin Feelings
Disgwyliwch noson o ddrwgdeimlad yuletide a llu o syrpreisys Nadolig!
Gyda chomedi a pherfformiadau gan:
- Priya Hall
- BopaRhys
- Welsh Ballroom Community
- Rufus Mufasa
- Hapus the Clown
The nights are dark, it's freezing cold - time to fill up on some Twrci a Tinsel!
Here to brighten up the midwinter, and add some sparkle to our rain soaked lives.
An evening packed with the best Queer entertainment from across Wales in the home of creativity in Pontypridd, YMa.
Hosted by our own Mrs Clause - Catrin Feelings
Expect a night of yuletide naughtiness and a host of Christmas surprises!
With comedi and performance from;
- Priya Hall
- BopaRhys
- Welsh Ballroom Community
- Rufus Mufasa
- Hapus the Clown