'Fruit Of The Loom' is a captivating new Dramedy, written by and staring, Barbs! Follow the extraordinary journey of Barbs, a young orphan drag queen with big dreams of becoming a renowned fashion designer. However, her world is turned upside down when she unintentionally uncovers a SHOCKING secret. Watch as the life threads of her own destiny begin to unravel.
Set in a near-future society plagued by environmental chaos, Barbs embarks on an enthralling, high-fashion adventure fuelled by her inherent spirit and resilience. Armed with glamorous charisma, sharp wit, and a fierce determination to create change, Barbs navigated the cutthroat fashion industry while simultaneously uncovering the truth about her origins and her ultimate destiny. Will she be our only hope in surviving a global climate crisis? we she inspire others through her lavish designs? buy a ticket and find out!
expect tears, laughter, soup, just stop oil, AI and more!
Friday 22nd December 2023 - The Glory - Doors 730pm, show at 8pm.
tickets £15, Early Bird £12.50