Mark Bittlestone: Work-in-Progress
Tickets Off Sale
Join Mark as he creeps and crawls closer to his debut hour at the Edinburgh Fringe!
Mark is convinced that he’s the only gay man in the world doing comedy so please be respectful and don’t tell him otherwise! Rapidly making a name for himself both online and in the real world (!), Mark was shortlisted for the BBC New Comedy Award in 2022 and is performing regularly in the country’s biggest comedy clubs. Follow him on social media @markbittlestone or find him selling his underwear for money on Grindr. “Catch him before he shoots off into the comedy stratosphere” Broadway Baby.
Age restriction: 18+
Organiser of Mark Bittlestone: Work-in-Progress
Tickets are off-sale for this event
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The Glitch134 Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7AE