Into live music? How about drag? Dancing?
Then join us for a drink at the Two Brewers, in Clapham, for a night of extraordinary queer talent! Discover incredible new music from a variety of independent queer musicians. Fall in love with our Jersey drag queen. And twerk your cheeks off to our sexy dancers!
Hosted by Pop-R&B singer-songwriter, Shea, in celebration of his *cough* twenty fourth *cough* birthday (please feed this delusion), we welcome you to join us for a beautiful night of queer talent, including:
- Shea (@sheamusic)
- Natalie Gray (@natgraymusic)
- KINGSY (@kingsyofficial)
- Aaron Sibley (@itsaaronsibley)
- Vaiana Ray (@vaianaray)
- Rhian! (@rhiansongs)
- The Alpha Dancers (@alphadancers_lgbtq_)
P.S. It's Pride month - how better to celebrate the community than to celebrate WITH the community?!