Do you want to take community action to stop destruction, and make the world a more beautiful place? Do you want creativity to infuse your resistance with mischief, fun and joy? Want to inject some art into your activism to create a more just world?
Great! Then please do join us for the premier screening of ‘Beautiful Trouble’ and a workshop in artivism with Dan Glass, a queer Jewish street activist who inspires and challenges us with his audacious tales of Trump Baby, dumping manure outside UKIP HQ and other theatrical stunts.
This will be followed by sharings from legendary ACT UP London activists, a community discussion and action plan about taking the movement forward.
This film is Produced by RIOT PRODUCTIONS, the producers of REBEL DYKES (2021) Dir. Siân A Williams and Harri Shanahan and IS IT ME (2021) Dir. Christopher McGill.
Watch the trailer here.
When - London - June 11th Queercircle 6-8pm with ACT UP London. It is free. Register early as limited places.

More about the ‘Beautiful Trouble’ toolkit
‘Beautiful Trouble’ is a book, a web toolbox and an international network of extraordinary artist-activist trainers and creative campaigners, focused on strengthening their connected social movements through sharing the tactics and techniques of game-changing creative activism. This training can provide strategies of resistance, ideas for creative disruption, imaginative intervention and thinking-outside-the-box tools to become exhilarated at the powerful adrenalin of the capacity of creative civil disobedience for positive social change.
“The current political moment calls for bold leaps of imagination, new forms of organizing and a fearless blend of confrontation and celebration. Beautiful Trouble is a crash course in the emerging field of carnivalesque realpolitik, both elegant and incendiary.” — Naomi Klein, author of No Logo & The Shock Doctrine
About Aids Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) London Chapter
ACT UP London is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the HIV pandemic, along with the broader inequalities and injustices that perpetuate it. / @actup_london
About your presenter and facilitator
Dan Glass is an ‘Aids Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) healthcare and human rights activist, performer, presenter and writer. Dan has been recognised as Attitude Magazine’s 'campaigning role models for LGBTQI youth', a Guardian ‘UK youth climate leader’, 2017 'Activist of the Year' with the 'Sexual Freedom Awards' and was announced a 'BBC Greater Londoner' in 2019 for founding 'Queer Tours of London - A Mince Through Time. Dan is an artist with the global In Place of War artist network and an educator from the ‘Training for Transformation’ movement. Contact Dan at / / @danglassmincer