Join us at ROOF East for lunch and/or a drink, ad a few icebreaking games before we walk through the Olympic Park to join the UK Black Pride festivities. It would be great to put voices to faces, faces to names, and get out of our digital bubbles for a bit.
Informal, open and friendly is the vibe. RSVP to let us know whether we should be looking out for you.
Roof East is the venue on the top floors of the Stratford Shopping Centre (pre Westfield) multi storey car park, with a selection of bar games, cocktail and mocktail bars, and street food offerings. Even better, the venue is fundraising for CALM all summer, so doing good while feeling good, seems like a win - win.
All are welcome, BLKOUThub members or not, friends and lovers, mates and mates-to-be, cliques discouraged, and pride . . . for me it can be overwhelming to suddenly run into 10 thousand beautiful people, so I'm looking forward to starting with a smaller number, and to saying hi to y'all in the flesh. Which reminds me. . . what to wear?