Monday September 30th, 6-8pm: Queering Sea Ballads
Join researcher Ema Sala in this FREE storytelling and writing workshop - no experience or prior knowledge required! We will learn about female sailors who disguised themselves as men in the 19th century, reading and listening to sea shanties that were sung about them at the time! We will explore the way their bodies were discussed from the lens of queer and disability theory, and then have a go creating our own ballads inspired by their stories. Come to learn a little about history, have fun and be creative. This workshop is aimed at people who self-identify as queer and disabled/mad/deaf/neurodivergent/chronically ill -- no diagnosis required!
Sign up to reserve your spot and to request any access support you will need. If you choose, your work can contribute to a public art exhibition as part of the “Forming New Folklores” series, read below:
This creative session is part of the Forming New Folklores project by @fzeeshanchoudhury, which aims to collect stories and practices from queer and disabled/mad/deaf/neurodivergent/chronically ill communities across the UK and Bangladesh. Read more about the project at fzeeshanchoudhury.com/newfolklores