All aboard the chuckle train for Friday night laughs with The Punch Line at the Railway Club!
Step into the chaos of a Court Room Roast,
the fully improvised comedy show where YOU are the jury, and the laughs are legally binding!
Here is a taster of what you can expect:

Despite Judge Dave ruling the courtroom per se, it is the audience which actually runs the show:
- making accusations
- providing expert evidence
- being those accused AND
- serving as jury, to decide on guilt or innocence of the defendants

Whether you’re roasting the accused, throwing in your own ‘evidence’, or landing in the hot seat yourself, the courtroom is in your hands until the gavel drops!

With 13 years of taking his award-winning and critically-acclaimed shows to Luton, Dublin, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brighton and the Edinburgh Fringe (comedy) festivals, Dave Allison is bringing one of his fantastic shows to Plymouth.

Still not 100% sold? What if we said there's also going to be a prize raffle with some great goodies up for grabs too!
£6 Entry (£5 for Railway Club/ Trade Union Members)
£1 per strip of Raffle Tickets
Proudly working in association with Plymouth Comedy so if you miss this you will miss out so come along!