Calling all LGBTQ+ people and organisations, allies, decision makers, network leads and those who can help us achieve our goals.
People who work with young people, in healthcare, in education and hate crime, we need to be working together at the very least on the hate crime aspect.
At our January meeting the Stockport LGBTQ+ Network will be setting our goals for the next 18 months, we could use your help to do so.
The meeting will primarily focus around the following questions:
What should the network focus on? It would be good to pick things to focus on which align with relevant parts of the motion the network got passed. These could be hate crime, education and healthcare.
When it comes to progressing our priorities, who do we need round the table to do so? Who can we work with?
How can the network sustainably fund itself going forward?
What form should the network take? Should it continue as it is, an informal structure facilitated by Forward, or become its own distinct entity in the form of a CIC or CIO etc.?