An exhibition of my personal Love letters and objects, with two letter-writing workshops, at the Post Office Gallery Margate.
This is a midwinter dose of high romance, with substance as well as style. The letters span more than twenty-years of writing and drawing, with selections sharing my platonic, romantic and erotic love stories to date. There will also be a reading area with love poetry, my Intimacy Tour zines, and the paper tour/catalogue of my last exhibition, Delusions of Grandma, so that anyone who couldn't make it can enjoy the work in this ground level accessible space.
Workshops on Sunday 2nd (12-2pm) and Tuesday 4th (5.30-7.30pm) February. Max 10 spaces per workshop.
Workshop tickets £8 including refreshments, stationery and a first-class stamp.
[There are 'Pay What You Can Tickets available for this event. Contact Kit for free places if in needed.]