Join the Lived Experience Coordinator to talk about what has happened over the past couple of years in trans healthcare and, more importantly, what still needs to be done. As we move towards the end of the Scottish Government's 'NHS gender identity services: strategic action framework 2022-2024', this workshop is an opportunity to hear more about the work that has been done and to come together to talk about what should happen next.
The first part of the workshop will focus on what has come out of the framework including the new service standards, gender identity protocol and transgender knowledge and skills framework. The second part will be a discussion on what still needs to happen, and how we might make that change happen. The Lived Experience Coordinator will share key points from the discussions directly with the Scottish Government to try to ensure that future work to improve trans healthcare is properly informed by what people want and need. All of the information and views that are shared will be anonymised, and nothing will be able to identify you.
Participants of this workshop will be paid £50 to attend. This can be paid after the event via bank transfer, or by voucher (Amazon, Tesco or Asda) if your concerned it may impact your benefits.
Who is this workshop for?
It’s for anyone over the age of 18 who has used, is using or is waiting to use NHS gender identity services in Scotland.
The Lived Experience Coordinator is particularly keen to ensure that trans and non-binary people who can face additional barriers to experiencing good quality care, like trans and non-binary people of colour, and disabled trans and non-binary people, can contribute towards the discussions about what still needs to happen to improve gender identity services. If you’ve got any concerns at all about coming along, please get in touch at
When and where?
The focus group will run on Tuesday 4th February at 6-8.30pm. The focus group will last for 2 and a half hours and take place online via Microsoft Teams. If you have accessibility requirements please get in touch with Ryan (