Monstrant is a show for monsterfuckers and monsterkin, exploring the alien, the unknown, the genderous and the homosexual in support of research for the thesis Monstrant Politics: Performing Ahuman Becoming, by Gundham Onorati for their PhD at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University. This project is supervised by Prof. Patricia MacCormack, Dr. Eva Rene Aymami.
This show is strictly 18+ and focuses on education and exploration of gender, sexuality and otherness.
Doors @ 7PM
Show @ 7.30PM
Total duration approx. 2hrs with a 15 minute intermission. The first half of the show will begin with a short introduction by the researcher, Gundham, and feature performances. The second half will feature a Q&A session with the cast and the researcher.
This is a sober show, do not bring alcohol with you, and no alcohol will be served or sold on the campus. The student lounge has tea and coffee, and there are vending machines beside the Mumford Theatre, as well as a cafe on the first floor where soft drinks can be purchased.
Service animals can be brought to the Mumford Theatre provided that security is notified prior to your attendance, and you will be asked for proof of requirement before attending.
There is no hearing loop in the auditorium currently - however there is one in the box office.
It is okay to leave the theatre to make use of the quiet areas at any time during the performance or the Q&A.
Audience members will have a chance to answer a survey distributed during the events on posters, on any online page advertising the shows and on social media through a QR code and a Qualtrics link. If they decide to voluntarily take part in the study, participants will encounter the following topics: Monstrosity, drag art, queerness, feedback about the events and performances. The questions about sexuality and gender involve sensitive data, but no information regarding these questions needs to be disclosed and it is possible to avoid self-identifiyng in any way.