⚡️闪电女子开放麦第三期: 「过情关」 ⚡️
张爱玲(大概)说过:“人生,还不就是关关难过关关过,let’s 唠唠怎么过。“
- 18:30-19:00 观众入场
- 19:00-19: 45 表演上半场
- 19:45-20:00 中场休息
- 20:00-20:45 表演下半场
20:45-21:00 观众开放麦
- 我们鼓励没有过上台经验的演员报名表演,我们会提供读稿会以及相应支持帮助你更好地完成。演员报名已截止,还未报名但怀有演讲热情的你,我们欢迎你加入我们现场开放麦的环节自由表达。
- 活动最后将有有观众开放麦的时间,留给观众自由开麦。
- 现场将有我们的周边及酒水售卖,欢迎提前准备好现金,更方便购买。
- 更多疑问请联系Instagram @shandiannvzi 或邮箱 shandiannvzi@proton.me💌
- 普通门票为£8一张
- ✨海报特惠✨ 提前购买门票加一张A3海报 特惠价£13(现场购买海报单价£8)
- 如果你有余力支持我们,欢迎在Pay it forward自选金额进行支付,这会帮助我们把活动推向更多人🧡
- 本次活动旨在支持和赋权女性、酷儿、少数族裔(POC)、低社会经济群体以及ESEA(东亚与东南亚)社群的成员。尽管活动向所有人开放,但如果您不属于上述身份群体,并且认同自己在社会中享有一定特权(例如作为顺性别异性恋男性),我们强烈建议您购买“团结票”(solidarity ticket),以此表达对这些群体的支持和共鸣。您的支持将帮助我们进一步推动社区的多样性与包容性。感谢您的理解与合作!
We are lightning womxn in London.
We stand up and we speak up.
更多消息欢迎关注我们的Instagram账号@shandiannvzi ⚡️⚡️⚡️

本次活动的场地The Scarlett Letters是一间位于Bethnal Green的激进独立书店。
The Scarlett Letters is a radical independent bookshop in Bethnal Green, proudly platforming the writing, artwork and crafting talents of marginalised and underrepresented communities.
"We are a non-profit community interest company and a proudly radical, independent bookstore dedicated to platforming marginalised voices.
Our stock is still growing, but is dedicated to radical and progressive politics, and includes Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Zines and more.We also stock handmade crafts, plus merchandise including t-shirts, tote bags, stationery, mugs, coasters, tea towels, badges and jewellery.
Every purchase and donation ensures that we can pay our staff a living wage and funds zines that we publish inhouse. These feature writers and artists from communities less able to access traditional means of publishing and include people who identify as queer, trans, PoC, migrants, refugees, sex workers, chronically ill or disabled or working class."
Check out https://www.scarlettletters.co.uk/ for more information.