Hey Poke-Thems xo Whose ready to level the F up and overdose on Max Potions. Welcome to the brand new Pokemon Themed Drag show “Kanto She Better Don't”! Join your super nerd hosts Bonk and Mocha In the East London Region, as they bring you a reimagined landscape of your favourite Pocket Monsters from Kanto and Beyond..
Enter the Iconic Queer Venue The Divine (The 8th Gym of the East London Region) and watch the girl boss feud of Kyogre and Groudon, see Victreebel as she snorts up her stun store powder in the toilets and even the Eeveelutions as they gather to agree wether they should settle as a Polyamorous 8 person ethical non monogamous diva troupe.. See iconic Drag artists Bring their Pokemon visions to life through fierce fashion, dynamic lipsyncs.. as well as more hidden secrets of the East London Region.. (Caroline Polechek is the final Gym Leader).
If you're Ready for bigger Pokemon Event than Pokemon day itself.. then get your tickets now for the very best that no one ever was.. “Kanto She Better Don't”.. See your there nerds! Grab your tickets now.
Guest Starring:
Miss Terri Box of Slaystation fame.
Latex joins us all the way from Scotland.
Paris Eatemall - Lipsync 1000 legend and star of “Next Drag Superstar”.
Sadly, The Divine is currently not fully accessible.
The cabaret and club space are in the basement of the venue. There are 17 wide steps with slip resistant treads down to the space with sturdy handrails either side.
The toilets are in the basement and are not accessible for wheelchair users.
If you need further information, please refer to The Divine ‘About’ page on the website. www.thedivine.co.uk