Our sixteenth (lucky number!) meeting!
We will be at Theatre Deli (near Aldgate and Liverpool St) from 4-6pm on Wednesday the 19th. Tickets are £3 to cover the room cost- you aren't able to pay for the ticket that is completely okay- just choose the second ticket option.
DM either adrian (@adriansteatime) or Polly (@pollywaldron) if you have any questions, or if you're decide to come at the last minute and the tickets have gone off sale.
Do you like to care? Do you care to share? Do you want to take part in what is essentially two hours of show and tell but for grownups who work in the performing arts or arts of any sort for that matter? Do you? You do?
The club is split in two sections. The first part is all about practice - practicing skills we’re developing, testing workshop exercises, sharing technique, reviving notes from old notebooks, trying out something we’ve read in a book - a space to learn through leading and be led through learning.
The second part of the session is an opportunity to share work - a script you’ve been writing, music you’ve been playing, a picture you’ve been painting, even just an idea that you want to talk about with a group of people.
Neither section is about bringing in a polished experience - come in with as much or as little as you want. We will find the content of each session on the day, allowing for who’s in the room. It is the act of sharing that we are interested in, and the building of a creative community.