Writing Workshop - Warepeople x Outhouse Gallery
£10 to £15
Friday 18 April, 6-8pm
A unique workshop in a unique venue!
For beginners to experts, any genre.
This experimental workshop will be inspired by the gallery’s history as a public bathroom, and tackle writing subjects such as bodily fluids, toilet humour, and awkward intimacy. Drawing from a range of writing about toilets, from Junichiro Tanizaki to Slavoj Zizek to Samantha Harvey, we will explore the affective potential of shame, embarrassment and vulnerability. In challenging societal taboos around the process of human waste, we will open minds and inject silliness and depth into our creative practice.
Led by Warepeople founder / editor Harper Walton and featured writer Barboring
Age restriction: 18+
Organiser of Writing Workshop - Warepeople x Outhouse Gallery
This ticket grants access to Writing Workshop - Warepeople x Outhouse Gallery on Friday 18th April 2025
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outhouse galleryunit 1 Brunswick Park, London, SE5 7RH