Key Features:
- Ask questions about how to reconnect with yourself to lift your mood & libido
- Friday 17th April at 6.30pm on our Instagram Live Stream @shwomenstore
- Fun, friendly, educational & inspirational and fully clothed!
- Everyone welcome!
Join us from the comfort of your own home for this Virtual Q & A with special guest Tabitha Rayne, where you can listen in and ask questions on our live stream about using orgasms to lift your mood & libido during these trying times! (Pyjamas encouraged!)
Is your libido lacking due to stress and fatigue? Are you fed up of feeling down? Look no further - our Special Guest Tabitha is here to answer your questions with sexpert advice!
Tabitha Rayne is an erotic writer, sex toy designer and artist. On her blog she is currently running the #30DaysOfOrgasm Project - a campaign encouraging women to spend 30 days to re-connect with your sexuality and use orgasms as a method of mood enhancement!
**Please note, as this is an online live stream - just click on our Live Stream / IGTV to join!