The Gay Professional Network (GPN) is hosting a social & business networking event online and with a limited physical audience at the Civil Service Club.
GPN is delighted to welcome, as our guest speaker, Steven McIntyre, Chief Executive of Stonewall Housing on Tuesday 25th August at 6:30pm.
Steven is a proven leader with a strong reputation for excellence and passion for equality and inclusion.
Stonewall Housing does the most amazing work helping tens of thousands of LGBT+ people over the years.
"LGBT+ people are at increased risk of homelessness simply because of who they are. This is unacceptable and has to change. I will work tirelessly to bring Stonewall Housing’s mission to life, ensuring real, lasting change for individuals, communities and throughout the UK." Steven McIntyre.
There will be a Q & A after the talk.
After the talk all participants have the opportunity, not at all compulsory, to say a few words, if they choose to do so, 2 minutes maximum each but most fit this within 30 seconds like "Hi, I am J-F and organise events and get people together, chat with me after to find out more or if you need help with anything".
Non-members contribution- online, £10 if you are joining us in the Civil Service Club.
Members Free
Share this event with and invite your friends and colleagues, ask them to join us on www.gpn.one (Membership is only £20 a year...)
Please share this event on Facebook and Twitter with your friends.
I very much look forward to seeing you then.
With all best wishes,
Jean-François Dor
The Gay Professional Network, since 2010.
ps: please read our policy during the pandemic to limit the spread of Covid-19 on https://jeanfrancoisdor.blogspot.com/2020/07/during-pandemic.html