Join Tavistock Heritage Trust for an evening of uncovering the more unsavoury side of English Churches.
Murder, Sex and Mayhem in English Churches.
An online talk by John Vigar
The peaceful setting of most of our medieval churches cannot cover up the fact that they contain images and references to less savoury aspects of life. Medieval murals and stained glass depict the martyrdom of saints from home and abroad, and the grisliest of dooms. Underneath misericords are images of whippings, wife beatings, and brawls whilst stone carvings depict sexual imagery rarely associated with religious buildings. If that isn’t enough there are also many monuments and memorials that show scenes of murder and mayhem in goodly measure from stagecoach crashes, to shipwrecks, shootings, stabbings and even mine collapses.
John Vigar is an ecclesiastical historian, author and broadcaster for over 35 years. He has visited and recorded over 13,000 churches in England and Wales and is a trustee of the oldest church preservation society in Britain - The Friends of Friendless Churches. Formerly an employee of The Churches Conservation Trust, John has also served as Photographic Curator of The Kempe Trust and Hon. Secretary of The Ledgerstone Survey of England and Wales. In his spare time he has written 12 books, leads specialist church tours and is a tutor at Denman College.