Retro Bingo SUPERHEROES presented by Bingo Wing Woman
Tickets Off Sale
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's BINGO WING WOMAN with her staggering superpowers hidden beneath her flowing cape! Watch them wobble, see them flap, the wings of wonder! Using her balls of steel (plastic actually) she will put your head in a spin and there are BIG PRIZES to be won!
What is your superpower? Prize for best themed costume….
What happens?
You can expect 2 full games of Bingo, a quiz and other nonsense that comes form Dawns brain! However do not expect to just sit and watch because anything can happen
Bag yourself (and others) a ticket and tune in for an evening of ridiculous behaviour to ease away the Friday blues. Why not invite friends and family who you can't yet see in person?
The main booker will be sent individual numbered & tracked links for each player to claim their unique Bingo cards on the day (this means 2 games per person). Bingo can be either played whilst still on a device (as long as you can watch the show on another!) or printed off and dabbed like ya granny used to
If booking on behalf of others, the booker can simply forward the unique links to pals for easy download or print
But what can you win?
There are no cash prizes but YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU CAN WIN! Prizes are sent directly to you in the post and are generally utterly ridiculous things with unique uses.
Zoom link and Bingo card links will be sent to the main ticket booker
Age restriction: 18
Organiser of Retro Bingo SUPERHEROES presented by Bingo Wing Woman
Tickets are off-sale for this event
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