Join GPN on Tuesday 26th April 2022 at 6:30pm.

We are delighted that Stephen Farrell is our speaker in April.
Stephen Farrell is Associate Director of Influencer Relations at Ketchum London, a global public relations firm. He leads the influencer marketing offer and team at Ketchum working with clients including Adobe, Proctor & Gamble and Samsung.
During his ten years in communications Stephen has partnered with a roster of globally recognised brands on influencer marketing strategy across the fashion, beauty and lifestyle sectors with teams in the United Kingdom, the United States and China.
Stephen will talk about the impact of the Covid-19 lockdowns on queer visibility, working with brands on being a force for good and the importance of LGBTQ+ influencers.
The presentation will be followed by a Q & A session.
Members: Free
Non-Members: £10
Profile of people attending are: #Directors, #Freelancers, #Soletraders, #Doctors, #Lawyers, #Bankers, #Hedge Funds Owner, #PropertyDevelopers, #CEO, #Diplomats, #Actors, #Entrepreneur, #Singers, #Models, #students aspiring to network with people in the know, people looking at their next step in their careers and others in the entertainment and communication industry . All very nice people in a relaxed atmosphere.
After this all participants have the opportunity to introduce themselves to promote their businesses or themselves briefly after the talk.
Such as: "Hi, I am J-F and organise events, let me know if you need help with any forthcoming celebration, meeting, incentive, conference and event."
Expect a mix of great people and conversation to make meaningful social and business contacts.
Do bring your business cards to network. Please kindly note the timings further below.
Look at pictures from previous events on YOUR Site.
If there is a photographer in the room, please let him/her know if you do not wish your picture to appear on the website or facebook page and tagged. It is assumed that everyone is happy to have their pictures to be used for the promotion of the network.
Timing (approximate)
06:30 pm Start, drink & nibbles purchased from the bar on the ground floor, bring with you to the room, networking.
07:30 pm Presentation by guest speaker & Q & A
08:00 pm Anyone else who want to speak to present themselves or their company to the Network ( up to five people - this usually takes about 15 minutes).
08:15 - 9:30 pm networking with hosts introducing people who need to be in touch (the registration process gives us the needs of all present and we put 2 & 2 together)
09:30 pm Carriages
When you register you are asked for your name and email address for you and your guests and a few simple questions so that we can better match your requirement of the evening and to help you further your business or career.
Please join YOUR Network here.
Full cash bar in operation throughout the evening can be purchased from the bar on the ground floor.
We very much look forward to seeing you and your friends and colleagues to make meaningful business and social contacts.
Please share this event on Facebook and Twitter with and invite your friends and colleagues. Ask them to join us on (Membership starts at £40 a year and this and all events are free except when we have to pre-order food and drinks...)
I very much look forward to seeing you then.
With all best wishes,
J-F for GPN
#Networking #Community #Talk #diversityandinclusion #togetherwearestronger #culture #fashion #business #hiring #health #inspiration #success #startups #Education