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Claire | The Psychic Teacher

About Claire | The Psychic Teacher

✨ Tarot Readings ✨ Psychic Development ✨ Personal Lessons ✨Workshops ✨ Special Events ✨


Think of us as the psychic & spiritual emotional support bra you've been searching for, but have never known where to shop for it.


We teach people how to develop their psychic and spiritual skills, helping you trust those gut feelings, the feathers that show up on your doorstep, and those ghostly goosebumps that you might usually explain away. We share how to know when intuition is genuinely speaking and when it's not, through psychic and intuitive skill sessions, practices, and exercises. Everyone has the power to connect to more, but not everyone knows how to do it or trust it. That's where we come in. We provide a safe, non-judgmental space where all questions are welcome, and nothing you say will be met with


"so this is weird, but..."


Even if you can't quite find the words to express your feelings, don’t worry – we’ve got you. We use our own intuitive skills to connect to your energy and figure out those ifs, buts, and coconuts.


As the owner of The Psychic Teacher (hello! I’m Claire), I’ve been doing this since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, and if I don't know something, I'll bet a penny to a pound I know someone who will. I don’t and simply won't make up stuff to seem like the be-all and end-all of spiritual knowledge – ego has its time and place, but it's not here.


The people we work with are our first priority, and if that means being transparent to the point of being see-through to ensure you get the best guidance and teaching, we’ll do it. If that means referring you to our vetted and trusted network of amazing energy and lightworkers, instead of being selfish and taking your money because you came to us first, then that’s what’ll happen.


We offer Tarot readings via email, video call, or in person so you can feel understood, heard, validated… and maybe even gently called out if you're not doing what's best for you, and let’s be honest, we all do it - us included!

Sometimes, we need an external voice to echo our inner thoughts with firm kindness and zero judgment.


If Tarot is solely your jam (it's one of my favourite intuitive tools), we offer personal lessons and twice-monthly workshops at Revolution Milton Keynes, covering everything from the Tarot basics to deep dive advanced spreads.


While we do love our Tarot cards, it's not the only thing that makes our little psychic hearts happy. We work as Specialised Spiritual Event service providers, workshop facilitators and energy teachers. Whether it’s festivals, weddings, or ethical ghost hunts, we've got you covered. Want to develop a specific skill like channelling or automatic writing? Let's do it!


Want a Clairvoyance party? Love it. Think Ann Summers, but with different vibes.


We respect both human and spirit, ensuring that only safe, consensual spiritual practices take place. Safety first isn't just for sex, kids. It's spirit work, too (and a bunch of other important life stuff, obvs).


Energy loves laughter, so the more fun we have learning in a safe and sensible way, the more spirit energy comes through, the more joy comes in, and the deeper your connection to your spirit soul and higher self will be.


Many of us were told these abilities aren't 'normal.'


Sod. That.


Who the hell wants normal? Normal is beige. Normal is trousers that zip off in three different sections and socks in your sandals.


We're not normal. I think everyone is some kind of rainbow unicorn made of moonbeams that poops out glitter, and you know what?


That makes me happy, and I’m good at what I do, so who cares if it's not 'normal'?


Come - be a unicorn with us.

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