Gay, bi, trans men's mindfulness group Banner

Gay, bi, trans men's mindfulness group

About Gay, bi, trans men's mindfulness group


Join a friendly, welcoming, and diverse group of gay/bi/trans men in this calm oasis only minutes from Soho. We meet every Monday to meditate, build resilience skills, and make new friends.


Our members range in age from 20s to 80s, making it a great space to connect with men of various experiences. Many have formed close friendships and social networks through the group, nurturing their mental health. We have between 20 - 30 men at each class, most do not RSVP on Meetup so the class will go ahead even if there are no RSVPs.


What You Learn

With over 30 years of meditation experience, I'll guide you in building the ability to navigate life's messiness while cultivating a more joyful and contented life. You'll learn tools for coping with stress and staying centered amidst challenges.


Who is it for?

No previous experience is needed, and experienced meditators are also welcome. We sit on chairs, but mats and cushions are available. Wear loose clothing or bring something to change into.


How is it Structured?

We start with movement practices, followed by a 20-minute guided mindfulness meditation focusing on the breath and connecting with a sense of bliss. After a 20-minute refreshment break, we'll have a conversation based on the night's theme and finish with a closing circle.


Time & Fee

Doors open at 6:45 pm for a 7 pm start. We finish at 9 pm

Please choose what you can afford:

£15 full price 
£12 reduced fee for those on low income
£8 concession for those in financial hardship

Online booking is available until the class starts, with an additional £1 admin fee for door payments (card or cash).

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