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Queer Pop

About Queer Pop

Queer Pop is a live music event hosted by and featuring cabaret performers Project Adorno and Drunk Keith! with occasional guest performers.  It is left-field, non-conforming, indie and odd – pop music with lyricism, melody and the occasional minor chord.

Project Adorno
Songcraft and spoken word exploring gender fluidity, the confusion of non-conformity, and the snap and crackle of popular culture as an 80s child comes of age in discovering their true identity. Witty, playful and poignant lyrics set to an electro-pop soundtrack. Project Adorno have performed widely on the cabaret scene including appearances at Edinburgh Fringe & Latitude Festival.

Drunk Keith!
Low fidelity infidelities and left field electro pop channeling the acerbic wit of Luke Haines and Mark E. Smith alongside the perverse pop aesthetic of Momus and Mozart Estate. Oblique and highly amusing narratives where counter cultural identity and idiosyncratic eccentricities collide.

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