Join GPN on Tuesday 27th July 2021 at 6:30pm

We are delighted to welcome Darren Williams
Darren Williams (DW) lives in Westminster and is the Founder of Williams Harding Consulting, having formally held Senior roles in a number of businesses in retail and hospitality, including Hotel Chocolat and Unilever. He is also CEO of and a Trustee at Action 4 Youth (
Williams Harding ( works with start-ups, expanding and distressed businesses, primarily in Retail and Hospitality but also outside of these sectors.
DW also speaks on the industry circuit as well as hosting and panel moderating at both corporate and charity events. He currently holds 2 Ambassadorial roles, being a Schools Role Model for Stonewall, and fundraising and awareness for Target Ovarian Cancer. He has run 4 London marathons and a number of other major run series for this charity.
Williams Harding also partners with a Bulgarian dog rescue centre (DW even brought one of the residents home for a new life in London).
The presentation will be followed by a Q & A session.
After this all participants have the opportunity to introduce themselves briefly after the talk. Like "Hi, I am J-F and organise events, let me know if you need help with any forthcoming celebration, meeting, incentive, conference and event."
Members: Free
Non-Members: contribution of £5 on line £10 in the Clubhouse
Please share this event on Facebook and Twitter with and invite your friends and colleagues. Ask them to join us on (Membership is only £20 a year and this and all events are free except when we have to pre-order food and drinks...)
I very much look forward to seeing you then.
With all best wishes,
J-F for GPN
#Networking #Community #Talk #OnlineEvent #diversityandinclusion #togetherwearestronger